
Digital Signage Display Philippines Grand Tech Int’l. Ent. Corp.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • What Is the History of Advertising in the Philippines?
    • When It All Started
    • Its Recovery
    • The Rise of a New Platform
  • How Did Modern Technology Enhance Advertising Campaign Strategies?
    • Research Devices
    • Development Tools
    • Endorsements
  • What Are the Different Types of Advertising Media Available?
    • Direct Mail
    • Newspapers and Magazines
    • Radio Advertising
    • Television Advertising
    • Outdoor Advertising
  • Is the Use of Digital Signages Effective?
    • Easily Attracts the Attention of Potential Customers
    • Ensures That Customers Can Help Themselves
    • Highlights Special Offers
    • Changes Displays Quickly
    • Cost-Effective Advertising
    • Increased Retention and Recall Rates
    • Reduced Perceived Wait Times
    • Provides Analytics
  • Where Can You Buy Digital Signage Displays in the Philippines?
  • Conclusion

Things You Should Know Before Investing in a Digital Signage Display in the Philippines 


Digital signages are powerful tools that can usually be found in brick-and-mortar business locations. These display technologies use LCD monitors to vividly display webpages, videos, directions, restaurant menus, images, and more. Whether you want to buy one to spread a particular message or help people with wayfinding, digital signage media boxes are a worthwhile investment.

In a study they shared, ScreenCloud stated that “over 40% of shoppers say that [digital signage displays] can change what they buy.” Participants explained that these devices have such an effect because of the relevant information they showcase, such as sales and discounts. Furthermore, 8/10 customers stated that they entered a particular store because of a digital sign catching their interest.

When you decide to purchase one, make sure to choose a provider that can supply you with quality products. At Grand Tech Int’l. Ent. Corp., we proudly offer top-quality EC Line digital signage displays in the Philippines. You can be sure that all the items you’ll order from us are authentic and reasonably priced.


What Is the History of Advertising in the Philippines?

When It All Started 

Advertising in the Philippines boomed during the 20th century, right after the Industrial Revolution. Most companies in the 1930s used newspapers and magazines’ print ads to promote their products, which had an average rate of 90 centavos per column inch. However, during the Japanese occupation in 1942, media agencies were shut down, and only select newspapers were allowed to survive, particularly TVT and Japanese periodicals.

Its Recovery 

Immediately after the liberation, there was an aggressive effort made to open the economy once more. Advertising became a low priority during this time, and people in the industry sold other items to make a living for themselves.

Eventually, the return of the Americans marked the rise of advertising once more. Small display ads were set up on street corners and promoted certain brands. As the years passed, advertising became a vital part of the Philippine economy, as seen with how Filipinos became more appreciative of locally made products thanks to certain commercials.

The Rise of a New Platform 

The most popular kinds of media that companies used for advertising back then included print ads, radio announcements, television commercials, and outdoor advertising. Today, the most effective way for companies to promote their products or services is through social media advertising.

People build their brand, increase sales, and drive site traffic by connecting with their audience on social media and regularly posting engaging content. Some also use specific machines, such as wall mount digital signages, to reach more customers.


How Did Modern Technology Enhance Advertising Campaign Strategies?

The continuous development of modern technology has helped businesses more easily communicate with their target markets. Rather than the shotgun-scatter technique of mass media outlets before, you can now target smaller groups and specific individuals who would be more receptive to your ads.

Research Devices 

With the collection of feedback on advertisements now within easy reach, you now have the data needed to improve their promotional materials. Virtual focus groups bring people from different parts of the world together and ask for their opinions, while online surveys can easily solicit feedback.

Development Tools 

Modern technology can now also help you create more effective and impressive ads for television, print, radio, and web. Enhancements in computer animations help professionals produce more lifelike settings and characters, appealing to more people in general.


Lastly, paid endorsements of celebrities and events have become much more effective due to the reach of radio, television, and the Internet. By posting a photo or a video where they showcase a specific product, stars help you immediately reach millions of people due to their following.


What Are the Different Types of Advertising Media Available? 

There are different types of media that you can choose to use. This includes:

Direct Mail 

Known as one of the oldest types of advertising media, direct mail is a method where promotional material is sent to prospective buyers by post. You need to prepare a mailing list before sending booklets or catalogs containing a detailed description and prices of the different items you offer.

This method is perfect if you want to sell to consumers directly. However, you should also know that it also has its drawbacks since direct mail has limited access and is unsuitable for every product type.

Newspapers and Magazines 

Considered one of the most important platforms of press advertising, newspapers have a wide circulation and are read by many people. They contain information about different current events and have a separate space where you can put up advertisements at an affordable price. Compared to other types, newspapers are suitable for all kinds of goods and are more flexible regarding campaign duration.

On the other hand, magazines are usually more descriptive rather than informational. They are also generally in color, which gives a more lasting impression to the reader. Depending on what you are selling, you need to find a magazine catering to your specific target market. You should conduct thorough research beforehand as there are exclusive magazines related to different industries, such as beauty, trade, finance and economics, and more.

Radio Advertising

This form of advertising has been around since 1922. Although it is considered an old-fashioned type of advertising, it has proven to be surprisingly effective in some cases. Since broadcast radio programs provide the opportunity for talkback, it also lets them connect much easier with people.

Radio shows usually have a specific audience they base their content and streamed music on, which means that you can select a specific one that has a target market that is most similar to yours. Those that play the most recent music releases with hosts talking about lifestyle news would most likely have younger listeners than a station that plays ‘80s hits.

Television Advertising 

There are around 7.6 million television homes in the Philippines’ more urban areas. Half of these units can be found in Metro Manila, while the other half is scattered throughout Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Aside from free-to-air channels, some households even invest in cable television so they can get more channels and watch more shows.

Due to how it can effectively reach the masses, television advertising is a great idea when you're looking for a way to advertise your product or service. Some other benefits it offers include targeted ads, increased recall rates, increased brand awareness, and higher conversion rates.

Outdoor Advertising

This type of advertising uses audio and visual materials that are placed outdoors. These items include billboards, posters, double panel digital signages, and more. Despite being the most basic way to market a product, it is still highly effective as it boosts brand familiarity.

Outdoor advertising is a great way to get your message out to a large audience as it is a low-cost yet high-reach form of marketing. This means that you can have many impressions on the same number of people as with other forms of marketing without spending as much money.


If you’re planning to choose any of the aforementioned types of advertisements, make sure to find reliable partners to work with. Always select reputable companies who can provide you with the products and services you’re looking for.

At Grand Tech Int’l. Ent. Corp., we offer a wide range of EC Line digital signage displays, including floor stand digital signages and digital signage media boxes. Feel free to get in touch with us today for additional information. We look forward to hearing from you!


Is the Use of Digital Signages Effective? 

There are numerous benefits to having digital signage displays in the Philippines for the promotion of your goods and services. This includes:

Easily Attracts the Attention of Potential Customers

Digital signages are a cost-effective advertising method as it allows customers to be "captured" as they walk around a specific area. They can be used to promote events, display ads, and highlight new products on the shelves. To further enhance the effectiveness of this device, however, you need to create a piece that is well designed.

The proper use of colors and space is essential as these factors can affect the message you’re trying to impart. For example, certain shades help evoke a feeling of optimism and warmth, while others bring about a sense of dependability and strength. The effective use of space also enables you to achieve image balance, allowing a person’s eye to be drawn equally throughout the image.

Ensures That Customers Can Help Themselves 

With the development of technology, some digital signages now come with a touch screen. This type of machine is most commonly seen in malls where people can use it to navigate their way around the establishment. All you have to do is select the category of the store or product you’re looking for, and the software installed will present you with a selection you can choose from.

Highlights Special Offers 

Special offers and discounts on different products and services can be highlighted on wall mount digital signages. Since these offers are usually only available within a short period, it is essential that you get the word out as soon as possible so people can visit your store and look through what you have.

Changes Displays Quickly 

The messages on a double panel digital signage can be automated to change at regular intervals. Using the software application, all you need to do is input the image or video you want to be shown and the number of minutes you want it to be displayed for. This enables you to show ads for different brands and make the most of your investment. However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t place too many advertisements as this could possibly affect brand awareness.

Cost-Effective Advertising 

Although their upfront costs may require you to spend more money initially, digital signage displays in the Philippines make for an excellent investment. They don’t require you to get in contact with another company that offers printing services. Neither do they need you to think of how to dispose of these materials after an advertising campaign is over.

These machines would only require you to prepare soft copies of the images you want to show in a file type compatible with the software operating your digital signage. However, since there are different types of digital signage models available in today’s market, you must choose the right one to ensure cost-effectiveness.

Increased Retention and Recall Rates 

It has been proven that people can retain about 65% of information presented visually. This means that consumers would be able to remember sales and discounts if they catch a glimpse of a poster about it rather than if they’re told about it in passing by a friend or family member. In fact, the recall rate for digital signages is 83%.

This is why many businesses have invested in this type of outdoor advertising. Aside from boosting retention and recall rates, it eliminates the need to regularly print materials, such as brochures and posters.

Reduced Perceived Wait Times 

Digital signage displays are often integrated with queue management systems because they help increase customer satisfaction. By calling customers forward and directing people to cashiers, these machines reduce perceived wait times by at least 35%.

The images they display help entertain people and inform them of any upcoming or ongoing sales that your store has. Furthermore, some establishments even take it as an opportunity to further boost their sales by showcasing the other items or services that people can get.

Provides Analytics 

Although it would depend on the kind you bought, digital signage displays in the Philippines can function as an audience measurement tool. The data you gather can precisely tell how well your content is performing across different locations. This insight will also help you further optimize your advertisements to make them more effective.

Some of the information that digital signages can give you access to include:

  • Consumer Characteristics – By knowing your customers' various demographic, psychographic, behavioristic, and geographic traits, you can create more products that they would like. These new product lines can potentially boost the sales and popularity of your company since they would satisfy a particular want or need of your consumers.
  • Consumer Interests – Using tools to learn more about your customers’ interests can help you better understand what endeavors your company should pursue. For example, you can figure out which artist to contact for your next ad.
  • Buyer Behavior – These are the actions that people take when buying or using products. By knowing what factors make consumers buy a product, you can use the data presented to optimize your current setup.


Where Can You Buy Digital Signage Displays in the Philippines? 

Grand Tech Int’l. Ent. Corp. takes great pride in offering high-quality EC Line products, such as floor stand digital signages. When working with our team, you can be sure that we will help you pick the model that would best meet your needs and preferences. Rest assured that all the items we offer are made from high-quality materials to ensure that they last you for years to come.



If you are considering investing in a digital signage display, make sure it fits into your marketing strategy. You should be looking at how you can use it as part of your overall marketing campaign and focus on one primary purpose.

Another factor you need to think about is what your customers will do when they see your message. Consider how they will interact with your products and services. What will they say? How will they react? What will all these responses mean for your company?

Once you’ve answered all these questions, you can then invest in a quality digital signage display. These machines can help attract more customers, highlight special offers, increase return on investment, boost sales, improve retention and recall rates, and more.

At Grand Tech Int’l. Ent. Corp, we can help you get the items you’re looking for. We offer numerous EC Line products, including digital signage displays, POS tablets, cash drawers, and programmable keyboards. Get in touch with our team today!

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